Wednesday, May 1, 2019


We read the Pickleball Forum.  Lots of stuff there.  But what catches our eye are the comments and polls about what players want at tournaments.  That's one reason we changed our format to include more play yet end with a competition for medals.

One issue that grabbed our attention is that of goodie bags.  It seems that players are tired of pens and coupons from local insurance companies irrelevant to their lives back home.  As players, so are we.  Instead of goodie bag full of stuff that will end up in the trash, we've chosen to give players a quality dri-fit hat with our logo.

We hope to see this hat at tournaments all over the region.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Asheville Racket Club! Bring Pickleball to the people in your area. Pickleball Up is a very good link to quality products. Theo Robinson , Director of Tuscaloosa Pickleball Club (look us up on Facebook).
