Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Player Brackets - Saturday (Mixed Doubles)

Player brackets and bracket schedules have been finalized and those for Saturday play (all Mixed Doubles) are shown below.  Click on image to enlarge.

In the interest of complete transparency, I will explain the principles we used in forming these brackets:
  • Teams were first sorted by total age.
  • Skill levels exceeding 9 teams were broken into pools by dividing the sorted list into similar size brackets of at least 5 teams.
  • Teams were moved to different brackets to avoid too much play with other teams from the same home area.
  • Some teams were moved to account for wide age disparity between the youngest and oldest.
  • Some brackets were combined for medal round qualifying because they were similar age groupings.  Others were not combined because there was a clear delineation in ages between the brackets. 
Brackets were formed with the same theme we have used since the beginning - competitive and fair.  Round robin play will have plenty of games with other teams of similar skills and ages.  We can't hope for more than that.

Saturday, May 18

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